Anyone who know me well, knows when I eat Chinese food, I have to use chopsticks. I don't know why, I just do. And I'm not very good at it. I guess I just like the whole experience. I do mangage to eat my whole meal.
(it kind of annoys me when my friends won't even TRY to use a chopstick )
Laura's son Thomas, who is in the Army, is stationed in Japan. His family is with him.
Check out his daugther Kylie, she will be 3 this month. She'll be a chopstick expert in no time!
(yes, it does look like she is using her fingers...BUT...mark my words, chopstick EXPERT in no time)
Kylie Gunter, Laura's granddaughter.
And the cute little clown would be Christian, Laura's grandson, Kylie's big brother.