Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Anyone who know me well, knows when I eat Chinese food, I have to use chopsticks.  I don't know why, I just do.  And I'm not very good at it.  I guess I just like the whole experience.   I do mangage to eat my whole meal. 
(it kind of annoys me when my friends won't even TRY to use a chopstick )
Laura's son Thomas, who is in the Army, is stationed in Japan.  His family is with him.
Check out his daugther Kylie, she will be 3 this month.  She'll be a chopstick expert in no time!
(yes, it does look like she is  using her fingers...BUT...mark my words, chopstick EXPERT in no time)

Kylie Gunter, Laura's granddaughter.

And the cute little clown would be Christian, Laura's grandson, Kylie's big brother.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Baby Showers

Another Friday about to become a GRANDMA!!
Judy's daughter, Stacy is due on August 2nd.
Here are some pics from the baby shower.

(I can't wait for the reunion!  Or the "union" as Sally D says, since some of us have not met)

Mother and daughter
Judy and Stacy
(actually that would be Stacy on the left and Judy on the right)

They are so pretty!!

and Judy is sniffing a diaper!!
(she better get  used to that.  lol  )
It's the shower game where you melt candy bars in the diapers and you try to recognize what kind of candy bar it is by the smell.
Great Game!

When we lived in  Los Banos, my boys used to play with the neighborhood kids, and this little boy named Jacob lived right next door to us.    Jacob and his brother Nathaniel were regulars  playing at our house...and in our  garage.
I remember  the boys playing poker with smarties.
And then one day, my good friend Judy called and said,  "I think you know Stacy's new boyfriend"
And the rest is history!

Stacy and Jacob.
and pretty soon little Kellan Eric Brehm Saucedo will join their family.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jackie's wedding

Jackie.... daughter of Sally Doyle.   They are both "Friday Friends"  Jackie is a petite.   I'm not sure if Jackie and her husband are coming to Wallowa Lake next summer, but Sally and Matt are IN!
But...this isnt' about Wallowa Lake and the FridayFriend  reunion.  It's about pictures.  Pictures of FF's and what we do, who we are, so I'm posting some of Jackie's wedding.    She got married to Evan on the Outer  Banks, North Carolina.  Nag's Head, NC.  The beginning of May.

So, to show off Sally's beautiful daugther, Jackie and her granddaughter Emma,  here are some pics.

Jackie and Shelly  (Sally's other beautiful daughter)

Nothing better than taking a run on the beach!

Monday, July 19, 2010

the Bird Nerds! and Jolina's beautiful children

It seems I am forever stealing people's pictures and posting them on the Friday Friend Picture Project Blog.
Well....GOOD FOR ME!!
Jolina took pictures of the birding weekend in  Fallon that she and Mitzi have gone on the past two years.  Next spring?  I'm there!!
(I am having trouble uploading I have no idea what size these will turn out to be? )  (and Mitzi is prominent in most of the pics, because, Jolina was the one taking them.  I'll have to steal Mitzi's disk and download those too)

And Jolina's children!
all 3 of them.
Mark, Nicki and Jenna