Sunday, November 21, 2010

We had snow!

There is nothing as exciting as the first snow!
So pretty, so white, so fresh.

Of course, there is excitement in trying to find gloves (where did we put them last spring?), boots, snow shovels, ice melt...

I was up at 5:00a.m.
You can tell the difference in color as the sun comes up--dawn to early morning.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Beer Tasting Party!

Last night we got together with old friends and had a beer tasting party. All of those invited were asked to bring a certain kind of beer and an appetizer and to come and watch the Boise State/Fresno football game on the big screen TV. It turned out to be an embarrassing football game to watch if you were rooting for Fresno, but since none of us were, it was a good night.

Pictures only.

Hosts:  April and Doug Cain
Mitzi and Larry Storm

Rich and Debbie Stone
Dave and Julie Street
Shelly and Lorin Noble
Lisa and Dennis Verner

these were the hosts!